"Ingrid, a quick note on behalf of the family. Thank you for the amazing vocals last Wednesday. When Mum and I were discussing her wishes; it was everything we hoped. I sobbed the whole way through Ave Maria. Your performance was truly beautiful. On a personal note, thank you for navigating some tricky times. Knowing you were taking care gave me confidence to relax. Wishing you and yours a lovely Christmas".
"Thank you so much for singing at my Father’s funeral yesterday. You sang so beautiful and it really did help to heal the grief we were feeling. He would also have certainly appreciated and enjoyed your singing".
"Hello Ingrid Now all has settled I just wanted to send you a little note to say thank you for your beautiful singing at my Mother in Law’s funeral Mass. Yourself and (the organist) did an incredible job and made the whole service so special. Your communication and efficiency also helped tremendously at a really difficult time for us as a family. We are so very grateful. Best wishes to you and thank you once again. Kind regards".
Example Song List:
Ave Maria
Pie Jesu
Panis Anglicus
As I Kneel Before You
Morning Has Broken
Do Not Be Afraid/Your Are Mine
Ag Criost an Siol
The Lord Bless You and Keep You
May is the month of Mary
Nearer my God to Thee
The Lord's My Shepherd
I Watch The Sunrise
Be Not Afraid
Here I Am Lord
Danny Boy
Our Lady of Knock
Hymn to Padre Pio
My Soul Is Sad
This is My Body
Lord of the Dance
On Eagles Wings
Marble Halls
An Mhaighdean Mhara
The Fields of Athenry
The Winding Way down to Wells Bay
Morning Has Broken
The Old Rugged Cross
The Voice of an Angel
Abide with Me
Amazing Grace
Be Still My Soul
Venis Creator Spiritus
St Teresa of the roses
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Going Home
All That I Am
Blessing of the coffin: Jesus Remember Me, Bring Him Home